January *** Coppinger, a servant of the Earl of Somerset, hurled himself into troubles, uttering some things about Prince Henry, as if he had been removed by poison.
The King received Horace Vere, returned from Germany, so warmly that he forgot himelf and bared his head.
February *** The Viscount of Grandison is made Master of the Court of Wards, the Treasurer taking this very badly.
In the course of a natural day the Thames flowed and flowed back four times, to the astonishment of many.
The sun shone on the Feast of Mary’s purification. An intense cold followed, with much snow and hail.
6 A marriage is celebrated between Viscount Manville, son and heir of, and Hill, related on her father’s side to the Marquess of Buckingham, in Whitehall.
Rumors are flying about that Spinola has captured Stade, and that the marriage between Prince Charles and the Infanta has been consummated, with the Count of Olivares standing proxy becaused Digby refused to attend Mass, and she refused to have the marriage celebrated without one.
7 Thomas Cecil, Earl of Exeter, died at about the age of eighty. His firstborn son William succeeded him.
Prince Charles, the Marquess of Buckingham, and a few others cross over into France.
Henry Rich, Captain of the Guard, is created Baron Rich of Kensington and sent to Prince Charles in Spain.
March *** Dominus Right, Rector of Sonning, is consecrated Bishop of Bristol at Lambeth.
April 12 Bonfires are lit throughout the city because of Prince Charles’ prosperous successes in Spain.
Thomas Murray, Master of Eton College, dies without issue of being cut for the stone.
The King designates William Beecher his successor.
May 2 My birthday. Clarus inoffenso splendebat lumine Titan. I was wholly at liberty for theological meditations.
The Earl of Ormond, the King’s most powerful subject in Ireland, died.
Theobald, having been created Viscount Tully, married the daughter and sole heir of the Earl of Ormond. She remarried Sir Thomas Somerset, the Earl of Worcester’s younger son.
Elizabeth, the relict of Moyle Finch, Knight and Baronet, daughter and sole heir of Thomas Heneage, is created Viscountess Finch of Maidstone in Kent, for herself and her heirs masculne.
The Marquess of St. Jermayne, Spanish Ambassador Ordinary, and the King swore to several articles which Secretary Calvert had read aloud.
On the Feast of St. Swithin’s Translation it rained at night.
On the same day three feathers, the insignia of the Prince of Wales, were cast down by lightning, which not a a few interpreted as an ill omen. But may God avert it!
The Earl of Bath died.
August 18 While I was sitting in my chair, plunged in thought, neither my fot nor my hand performed their office. I fell to the floor, but without injury, and soon got up again.
Everywhere in England Prince Charles, returned from Spain, is congratulated with bonfires.
81 spectators are killed by the collapse of the theater at Blackfriars.