February 9 Vicecount Haddington wed Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Earl of Sussex.
Aldgate it built anew.
April 11 At Bury St. Edmunds 160 structures burned down.
17 James Montagu is consecrated as Bishop of Bath and Wells.
19 Thomas Earl of Dorset, Treasurer of England, died suddenly, and Queen Anne attended his funeral.
29 The Oath of Allegiance proclaimed by edict.
Henry, Earl of Northampton, becomes Keeper of the Privy Seal.
May 6 Robert Earl of Salisbury was made Treasurer of England.
20 The Earl of Dunbar and the Earl of Montgomery are installed at Windsor.
October 9 Richard Neile was consecrated Bishop of Rochester.
December 1 William, son of the Earl of Salisbury, married Catherine, third daughter of the Earl of Suffolk.
Proclamation against pirates.

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