- HENRY the third, King of France, beeing returned out of Poland and inaugurate at Rheimes, made his first and chiefest care, to confirme by his oath and inscription the Confederation of Bloys, made in the yeare 1572 betwixt his Brother Charles and Queene Elizabeth, and to deliver it to Valentine Dale her ordinary Embassadour; which she in like sort ratified at Saint James neere Westminster. Howbeit it within a while after hee moved a question by Letters, whether the mutuall defence against all men, mentioned in the same League, did comprehend the cause of Religion. Whereunto when she had answered plainly that it did, and that she would bee ready for a mutuall defence against all men, even in the cause of Religion, if it were required according to the conditions of the League, hee prepared himselfe to warre against the Protestants; and Alencon being drawne to the adverse partie, there ensued a deepe and long silence concerning his marriage. Nevertheless, for Alencons sake, Queene Elizabeth supplyed a great summe of mony to Casimir for the conducting of certaine German Horsemen into France, against the disturbance of the publique peace.
- While she was buseid about these French matters, there happened in the meane time these Netherlandish occurrents. Don Lewis Zuniga Requesens, who succeded the Duke of Alva, bent himself wholly to recover (if it were possible) the Sea-Coasts, which the Duke of Alva had by a notable over-sight in so great a Captaine, neglected, whereby the Low-Country Warre was so many yeares prolonged. But forasmuch as hee was unprovided of Shipping (for the Spanish Shippes, which by ayde of the English were brought in to Flanders a little before for that purpose, had miscarryed, beeing rent and fowly weatherbeaten), he sent Boischot into England to leavy with the Queenes leave ships and Sailers against the Hollanders and Zealanders. But he prevalied not. For the Queene would not thrust her Ships and Sailers into danger in another mans cause; and publikely she commanded that no man should man out Ships of Warre but by her licence first obtained, and that the English Saylers should not serve under other Princes. Boischot therefore made suit that she would not bee offended if the English Exiles in the Netherlands served under the Spaniard in Sea fight against the Hollanders, and that they might have free accesse to ports of England, and by victuals for their mony. Shee in no wise allowed that those English Rebels (for so she called those whom he tearmed Exiles) should serve under the Spaniard; nay, she hoped Requesens would not favour them. Certainely she prayed him he would not, and namely Thomas Copley; for him the Spaniards purposed to send forth to make prize of the English and the Netherlanders, having loden him with the titles of Great Master of the Maes, Lord of Gatten, and Roughtey. And to set open her port townes to rebels and sworne enemies were nothing else but extreame madnesse. Boischot, to the end he might obtaine more favourable dealing, required in the King of Spain’s name that the Netherland rebels against the Spainiard might bee expelled out of England. She denyed it, forasmuch as those whom hee called Rebels, mere men of no note, poore, and silly wretches, which had attempted nothing, but for feare of Warre had fled into England, being dispoyled of their Country and inheritances, whom to deliver into the tormentors hands were most inhumane and against the Lawes of Hospitalitie. And she called to his remembrance how hurtfull it had beene to the Spanish affaires in the Netherlands, when at the Duke of Alva’s request she commanded the Netherlanders to depart out of England in the yeare 1572. For the Count Vander-Mark and others, being commanded to set sayle out of England, tooke the Briell, and raised that Warre. But yet, least shee might seeme to goe backe from that ancient League of the house of Burgunday (which notwithstanding the Spaniard had to confirme with her), she commanded by publique proclamation that the Netherlanders ships of Warre should not depart out of the Havens of England, and that the Netherlanders which had taken armes against the Spaniard should not enter into the Havens of England, and expresly the Prince of Aurange and those of his house, the Earles of Colenberg, Berg, Vander-Mark, and 50 others, the most remarkable of that faction. And this she did ithe more willingly for that Requesens had, at the intercession of Wilson the English Embassadour, removed the Earle of Westmerland and other Englishmen out of the Netherland Provinces of the Spaniard, and had dissolved the English Seminary at Douays. In stead whereof, the Guises by the procurement of Gregorie the thirteenth Byshop of Rome, created another at Rheims.
- The Prince of Aurange, when he found himselfe too weake to sustaine the forces of the Spaniard, and hoped for no good out of England, entred into Counsell with his friends to whose protection they might betake themselves. And when Queene Elizabeth heard that hee cast eyes and mind upon the French King, she first sent Daniel Rogers to disswade him; which when Rogers could not doe (for he had dealt before concerning the matter with Coligny Admirall of France, and the French King), she sent Henry Cobham the Lord Cobhams brother to the Spaniard, to informe him of how dangerous consequence it would be if Holland and Zealand should revolt from him to the French King, and to perswade him by the best reasons hee could, to change Warre for Peace; who seemed to assent, and withall shee signified the same things to Requesens by Robert Corbet. Neither ceased shee to divert the Prince of Aurange from his enterprise by John Hastings, but by meanes of the opposition of Villerie, a French Preacher, effected nothing. Which Villerie (I speake upon mine owne knowledge) had come into England a poore needie fellow in a thredbare cloake, and grew rich by a a common Collection for him for reading a Divinity Lecture. He fearing least the Prince of Aurange should affect the English, among other things affirmed, <which he propounded in a writing,> that Queene Elizabeth had neither a martiall man, to whose vertue and fidelitie shee could commit an army, except Sussex, and he scarce favouring the Protestants Religion. He beate also into his head what he had heard of Coligny, that the English, if they set footing in the Netherlands, would resume their ancient hatred against the French.
- But yet the civill warres amongst the French cut off from the Prince of Aurange and the Netherlanders all hope of ayde out of France. Whereupon they entred into a new consultation, to whom they should fley for succour and protection. The Princes of Germany they knew were already alienated in heart from the Spaniards, but the layed not their heads together for the common good, were sparing for laying out of mony, agreed not in all points with the Netherlanders in religion, and the Emperour being allyed in bloud to the Spaniard, would cast some obstacles. The French (they say) were embroyled with the Civill Warre at home, in such sort as they could not tell when it would have an end. Besides, there were inveterate grudges and hart-burnings betwixt the Netherlanders and the French. And those of Brabant and Flanders, and the people bordering upon the French, would withstand it all they could; the government of the French was bitter no less then of the Spaniards, the ports of France not much commodious for the Netherlanders Navigation. But as for the English, they were as it were under the same Paralel, of the same nature and disposition with them, their Religion the very same, their language not much differing, their Country neere at hand, full of havens, commodious for Navigation, and plentifull of Marchandize; the Queene very strong both by Sea and Land, curteous, benigne, one that would maintaine their priviledges, and her government temperate, and would not bee heavy by exactions. Thus they argued.
- Into England therefore are sent Philip of Marnix, Signior of Saint Aldegond, Janus Douza Signior of Nortwicke, William of Nivelt, Paul Buys, Advocate for the Estates of Holland, and Doctor Melsen a Laywer. Who by an honourable Embassie, and eloquent Oration, offer to the Queene either the possession or protection of Holland and Zeland, as a Princesse descended from the Princes of Holland by Philippa wife to Edward the 3rd and Daughter to William the 3rd of Bavarre, Earle of Heinault and Holland, by whose other Sister the hereditary title of those Providences was descended to the Spaniard. These things the Queen heard gladly and very attentively. And first shee weighed in her mind advisedly the cause which they had undertaken against their King and Lord, the enmitie of the Spaniard against her, the jealousies of the French King, and the great expenses and doubtful chances of warre; and also how offensive the rarenesse of such an example would be. Then she doubted whether she had any just title to Holland and Zealand by the House of Bavarre, and whether she might lawfully enter into confederacy of protection with another Prince his subjects; and whether they might also doe it rightfully without the Emperors consent, who was supreme Lord of the fee. Then she beleeved not that which some beat into her eares that those Countries came to the Spaniards ancestors by election of the Subjects, not by right of inheritance. Finally, upon mature deliberation of the matter, after she had thanked the Prince of Aurange and them for their goodwill towards she, she answere: that she held nothing more glorious then to maintaine faithful dealing, joyned with honor, and beseeming a Prince; that it did not yet appear unto her how she might with her honour and a safe conscience, receive those offered Provinces into her protection, much lesse possession. But she would deale seriously with the Spaniard, that they might happily grow to a Peace.
- At the same time came John Perenot Lord of Champigny, the Cardinall of Granvills Brother, from Requesens to Queene Elizabeth, who modesly put her in minde of observing the League betwixt England and Burgundy, and besought her that she would not intermeddle in the matter of the Netherlands. She, though the Spaniard refused to confirme the said League, yet promised to keepe it. Neverthelesse, she would provide (said she) for her owne honour and safety in case the ancient forme of the government of Burgunday should be changed, and foraine Souldiers received daily in so great number into her neighbour Province.
- Before such time as Champgny was returned home Requesens was dead, and presently the affaires in the Netherlands seemed in outward shew confused, the soldiers harrying all places with fire and sword, and the Estates of Brabant, Flanders, etc. resuming their ancient authority in governing the State; which the Spaniard also out of necessity consented unto them, till Don John of Austria came, whom he had appointed to be Governour. To these Estates Queene Elizabeth sent William Davison to exhort them most diligently to bend their affections to Peace, being very careful that the Spaniard might sustaine no damage, and to preserve unto him as neere as she could the Netherland Provinces whole and sound. But the Spanish soldiers mutining and growing out-ragious, nothing was effected.
- In England there was all this yeare a quiet calme, saving that in the middle March towards Scotland, there happened a sodaine bickering in the moneth of July between the Borderers, upon this occasion. Sir John Forster Knight, Warden of the middle March, and at this time Governour also of Barwicke, had descended beneath his Dignity to a parley at Redsquire Hill, with John Carmichell Warden of Liddisdale in Scotland. For Governours were not wont to meet but with Governours, and Wardens with Wardens, as equals in dignitie. Both of them, besides certain Gentlemen, were accompanied with an armed multitude of Theeves and malefactors out of both borders, most of them bearing inveterate and deadle fude one against the other. These, after their wonted manner turning their horses to grasing all about, compassed the Governour and the Warden on all sides; whom when they heard breake forth into hote words about rendring up ranke-riders, and misdoubted themselves (who had no right but in their weapons) least they should bee delivered, every of them carrying a guilty Conscience, they began a brabble about a Spurre which was taken up, and so betooke themselves tumultuously to their weapons, and every man flew upon his peculiar enemy whom hee hated, or else fell to taking up of Horses for bootie. Whether the Scot or the English began first is uncertaine. At the first stroake the English drove away th Scots, and tooke Carmichell prisoner; but when the betooke themselves carelessly to gather booty, and fell to rifeling of Pedlars, a company of Scots came upon them from Jedburgh, whereby Carmichell escaped, the English were put to flight, Sir George Heron Knight, Warden of Tindale and Rhedesdale, and others were slaine. Foster himselfe the Governour, Francis Russel the Earle of Bedfords Sonne, and Fosters sonne in law, Cuthbert Collinwood, James Ogle, Henry Fenwicke, and many others were taken Prisoners and carryed into Scotland as farre as Dalkeith, were the Regent lay; who entertained them with all kindnesse, but stayed them for a little time, fearing least if they were presently dismissed while their blood was hot for the losse of their friends, they might boyle in revenge and raise combustions of warre betwixt the Kingdomes. Neither did he let them goe but upon faith given under their hands to appeare in Scotland at a set day.
- As soone as Queene Elizabeth had intelligence hereof, if ever else, she was then full of indignation and stomacke, taking it in foule scorne that the Scots, who (as they sayd) did owe their libertie and tranquillitie to her and the English, had with breach of the peace invaded the English in England, slaine them, taken the Warden of the middle March, and him also being Governour of Barwicke, and others, carried them away prisoners into Scotland, and not let them goe till they had given assurance under their hands for their returne. All these things she tooke as done in disgrace of the English Nation and of her Honour, and not without exceeding great injury. And the rather for that the Regent had appointed the inquiry of this matter to be within the borders of Scotland and had propounded whither the Commisioners should meet armed. For this later seemed a point of hostilitie that other of ambition, namely that the Regent of Scotland, shiuld prescribe a place of meeting to the Queene of England, whereas she not long before had prescribed to Morray the Regent a place of meeting at Yorke. Neither could the terrified Regent satisfie her, untill hee came unarmed to Bondenrod in the very borders of both Kingdomes, and there met with the Earle of Huntingdon the English Commissioner and with most complementall words promised to cover this scarre by the best offices, and to the end to repaire the honour of the English nation, sent Carmichell his dearest friend into England, who was kept for a while at Yorke in free custody, and was afterwards sent home with honour, and not without guifts. For it was found that the fault rested in Foster, whilst hee too much protected a notable malefactor. Thus was the amitie renewed betwixt the Queene and the Regent; and every after that thime his constant friendship never failed, who to the generall good of both Kingdomes restrained the ranck-riders of the Borders with great commendations.
- There dyed this yeare no man of more noble note in England, but in Scotland one most noble, namely James Hamilton Duke of Castell-Herald, and Earle of Aran; who being great Grandsonne to James the 2nd King of Scots by his Daughter, was appointed Tutor to Mary Queene of Scots, and Governour and Heyre apparent to the Kingdome during her minoritie. Then when hee had delivered her to the French, hee was made Duke of Castle-Herald in France, and was afterwards constituted by Queene Mary being a prisoner, the first of the three Lieutenants of Scotland. Whose cause which hee most constantly maintained; being an open-hearted man, and of a most milde nature, hee was most guilefully tossed and turmoiled by the injuries of turbulent persons.
- In Ireland the Earle of Essex being layd in wayt for by Turlogh and the Baron of Dunganon, and distressed with many difficulties out of England, hearing that there was a Consultation about his calling home againe, bewayled to himself the miseries whereinto he was fallen through extreame injury, complained of the undoing of him and his, bemoaned Ireland, which hee perswaded himselfe might bee reduced into order with two Thousand men; and most earnestly he intreated that he might with his Honour compound the matter with Turlogh. And when hee had now resigned up his Command in Ulster to the Lord Deputie, because he was not able with that small power of men which the Lord Deputie had assigned him to prosecute his enterprise, hee was commanded to take it againe. But scarce had hee taken it and marched against Turlogh, when Letters came that hee should utterly desist from warre, and make as honourable a peace as hee could. Which being soone made, he marched against the Hebridian Scots, which had seized upon Clandeboy, drove them into their lurking-holes, and by the conduct of Norris assailed the Isle of Rachlin, put foure hundred of the Ilanders to the sword, forced the Castle, and put a Garrison therein. And now in the middest of his course of victorie, he was againe beyond his expectation commanded to resigne his Authoritie, and as an ordinary Captaine had the command of three hundred men; and through Leicesters cunning dealing nothing at all was omitted whereby his most milde spirit might be made to languish with continuall crosses one in the necke of another.
- Now was Sir Henry Sidney sent the third time Lord Deputy into Ireland, when the pestilence consumed the people of the lsle farre and wide. He notwithstanding goeth into Ulster, and many ran unto him falling upon their knees and craving his protection, namely Mac-Mahone, Mac-Guire, Turlogh Leinigh, and others. In Leinster in like manner did the O-Connors, and O-Moores, two rebellious familes, who by force and armes seized upon their ancient inheritance in Leice and Ophale, from which they had beene outed by Law. When he was come into Munster, he was present as a mourner all in blacke, to honour the Funerall of Sir Peter Carew a very noble Knight and of approved vertue, who being Heyre to Fitz-Stephen, and Reymund the Grosse, the first Conquerors of Ireland, and to the Barony of Tarone, had recovered a part of his inheritance, long time lost in the Warres. At Cork the Earle of Desmund, comming to see him, offered him his best service and obedience with all observance. From thence going into Conacht, hee received into his protection the Earle of Clan-Richards Sonnes, which had rebelled, who most submissively craved their pardon, in the Church of Gallway, and with great commendation hee governed the Countrey.